Friday, September 30, 2011

Marion Cotillard

Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose
Photo curtsy of
Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose
Photo curtsy of
Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose
Photo curtsy of
Joyeux Anniversaire Marion Cotillard!  That's french for "happy birthday Marion Cotillard."  Today is her 36th  birthday.  To celebrate, I chose to watch the movie that brought her home the Oscar, La Vie en Rose.  It is about the life and death of Edith Piaf, a French singer.  I'm sure everyone has heard her most famous song, but didn't know it at the time.  If you have seen Inception, then you know her song.  It is the song they use to let you know the "kick" is coming.  And for those of you who haven't seen Inception or don't believe me that you have heard her song, here is a great youtube of Edith singing her most well known songs "Non, je ne regrette rien" and "La vie en Rose."

Now on with the movie.  Marion Cotillard's Oscar was well deserved.  She did an amazing job.  I could really feel her pain and love with Marcel.  I had tears in my eyes during the watch scene (I don't want to give to much of this scene away but it is a heart breaking scene).  Then the tears came again during the drawn out, yet tasteful, death scene.  Cotillard's transformation between the decades of Edith is so well done (see pictures above).  I don't know if I should credit the makeup team for the physical transformation or Cotillard for her wonderful portrayal as Edith.  Brava to both.  And with that, I raise my lighter to light the candles on Marion's birthday cake.

I give this movie 4 cakes out of 5.  It would have been a higher rating if it wasn't for all the jumping around.  It was a little difficult to follow on top of keeping up with the subtitles.    


  1. She looks alot older than she is.....
    Does she live in Florida?

  2. Nope. The aged look is all thanks to the magic of makeup
